Monday, October 8, 2007

I stood there till everyone else left

My hands were life less
My legs were shivering and knees lifeless
Thank god eyes absorbed my tears; I could barely walk a single step.
Something with in me broke, I could hear the sound
I stood there till end
I stood there till everyone else left
May be not my face but the shaky steps would have told the story

1 comment:

Aditya Deadpan said...

" I stood there till end "

End is when you realize what has happened and why it has happened .
If you still dont know why it has happened , then its not the end. Its a pause or stagnation of Time Frame.

Purane Shehar

तुम क्यों नये शहर मैं पुराने शहर को ढूंढते हो वह शहर अब यहाँ नहीं बास्ते न बची है वो गलियां जहाँ बेबाक निकल जाते तुम और आवारागर्दी कर ...