Thursday, March 29, 2007

Why god is so biased?

Yesterday while retiring to home after office
I saw a 6-7 years old girl carrying a 6-7 month old baby near the grocery shop in my building premises

The little kid – 6 month one was attacking the Kukuree packet in the shop and the elder kiddie was stopping him from doing so
She was hitting her

She wanted him to understand that a packet of Kukuree is a luxury that she was not supposed to indulge into such luxury

It was sad
Some people become so mature so early
Life teaches people harsh lessons
Why god is so biased?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dnt gt tensed u know its old karnmas of that gurl who is suffering

god is not biased all r facing results of their old karmas

good one

keep it up

Purane Shehar

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