Friday, May 11, 2007

Why are we crying for things which have to die anyways?

Every exiting thing turns into a routine before it fades away or dies.

At present just think of the most desirable thing that you want
Will you have a desire for it next year, and for the coming years? 

If you are crying today for something.
It is possible that tomorrow you won’t even need it.

We live in a drastically changing world.
Were most of the times we run and cry for silly things? 

Why are you even living? Does this question rise in your mind any day? 
Everything is futile Everything is meaningless 

Everything will die in due course of time 
Why are we crying for things which are going to die anyway?

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Purane Shehar

तुम क्यों नये शहर मैं पुराने शहर को ढूंढते हो वह शहर अब यहाँ नहीं बास्ते न बची है वो गलियां जहाँ बेबाक निकल जाते तुम और आवारागर्दी कर ...