Sunday, April 1, 2007

happiness belongs to you

Off late I have become more patient somehow
Don’t know why but I have realized that allowing people and conditions to affect your mood is not wise
Mind and heart are full of conflicts
Contradicting thoughts
Conflicting situations
At any moment you have multiple choices which make your life more demanding
The decision that makes your closer to humanity is always the best decision
The decision which leaves you with no heavy heart is the best decision
The decision that helps you to move away from anger and selfishness is the best decision
The decision that makes you humble is the best decision

You always have choices to react – but the reaction leaves you with no guilt is the best choice
The reaction which makes your heart proud of you is the best decision

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"You always have choices to react – but the reaction leaves you with no guilt is the best choice
The reaction which makes your heart proud of you is the best decision"...
bang on target...
awesome...liked it very much...

Purane Shehar

तुम क्यों नये शहर मैं पुराने शहर को ढूंढते हो वह शहर अब यहाँ नहीं बास्ते न बची है वो गलियां जहाँ बेबाक निकल जाते तुम और आवारागर्दी कर ...